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We aim to create a society where state-of-the-art electrocardiogram examinations are accessible to anyone, anytime, and anywhere.
We aim to create a society where state-of-the-art electrocardiogram examinations are accessible to anyone, anytime, and anywhere.

These four strengths are summarized below

48-hour long-term Holter electrocardiogram examination


Our electrocardiogram device offers long-term monitoring for up to 48 hours. It is cordless and leadless, allowing patients to continue their daily activities while collecting ECG data.


technical algorithms

Remote real-time monitoring


Additionally, the device can remotely monitor a patient’s electrocardiogram in real-time, allowing doctors and nurses to see changes in the patient’s heart rate and ECG and take necessary actions. This means patients can be monitored in the comfort of their homes without having to go the hospital.


technical algorithms

Stress check


Our ECG device is also used for stress checks. By analyzing the fluctuation pattern of the electrocardiogram, the patient’s stress level and mental health risks due to stress and implement necessary care and countermeasures.


technical algorithms

Sleep apnea syndrome


Furthermore, our ECG devices can diagnose and monitor sleep apnea. It records an ECG while the patient is asleep and can detect respiratory arrest and abnormal heart rate changes. This allows for early detection and treatment of sleep apnea syndrome.


technical algorithms

Our electrocardiographic device can efficiently perform all of these tests as well as remote real-time monitoring in a single test, making it a convenient and effective medical means for patients.

Explanation of technical algorithms

48-hour long-term Holter electrocardiogram examination


The 48-hour Holter electrocardiogram test is a way to detect arrhythmia and heart failure by analyzing the waveforms in an electrocardiogram. The noise is removed from the waveform to find singular points indicating these conditions. The extraction rate for these points exceeds 90%. The results are reviewed by a clinical technologist and then a doctor who will further explain the findings.

48-hour long-term Holter electrocardiogram examination

Remote real-time monitoring


Remote real-time monitoring allows doctors and nurses to monitor the ECG data of patients in real time. The data is stored in a database, which categorizes it by each hospital, patient ID, and device ID used. Even if there is heart failure or arrhythmia, an alert is issued within one minute, and the waveform at that time can be checked retroactively.

Remote real-time monitoring

Stress check


The stress check measures the variability of adjacent R waves on the electrocardiogram to calculate the LF/HF and its ratio. A high LF/HF value indicates stress, while a low LF/HF value indicates a relaxed state.

Stress check

Sleep Apnea Syndrome


Sleep apnea syndrome is detected using an accelerometer inside the device. After sleep onset is determined, snoring and apnea are detected from the accelerometer and electrocardiogram until waking up. Breathing judgment is performed by detecting the trace discontinuity.

Sleep Apnea Syndrome

Cardio Book is

Holter ECG for medical departments that can apply for medical reimbursement


・Easy to wearing, Weight (25g),Wireless

・Specializing in arrhythmia screening (especially AF)

・Real-time telemonitoring

・Data will be managed in cloud server.

・Medical device certification

・Made in Japan
・75mm(W)35mm(D)14.5mm(H)Weight 25g
・Specified maintenance management medical device (Class II)



Cardio Book








661 International Business Center
5-5-2 Minamimachi, Port Island Chuo Ward Kobe City


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